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Making Supplements Work for You

Nutritional supplements are making a killing these days, with many people spending about as much as $35 billion and all just to be able to look and feel their best, by getting the body that they've always dreamed of, a body they can truly be proud of.

Supplements are not exactly a new concept when it comes to having something that can help athletic performance. References to the use of supplements have been found to date back as far as the time of ancient Greeks, when the first Olympians used a concoction made from the hooves of an Abyssinian ass mixed with a solution of oil and rose hips. There were also documentations of 19th century cyclists using a mixture of strychnine, caffeine and alcohol to increase their endurance and improve their athletic performance.

The use of supplements as far as helping us achieve our fitness goals is undeniably popular, but even as almost anybody can take them, not everyone knows how to use them to their advantage. Gulping down protein shakes at will without any real regard for when they should be taken is a waste of your time and money, not to mention the fact that you may not be able to get the results you want.

While they are designed specifically for people who exercise or train for more than 45 minutes a day and at least three to four times a week, you can make them work for you as long as you follow these tips on how to make them more effective, starting with reading the label and taking them as directed. Timing is crucial especially for post-workout supplements because this is the time the body is ready to refuel.

You also need to remember one word when it comes to taking supplements and that is "hydrate." You need to drink about 400 to 600 ml of water prior to working out and take sips every 15 minutes during your workout. Constantly drinking water helps distribute the supplements throughout your body so they work much faster.

Of course, your supplements are called supplements because they complement something in your routine and that is your diet. Make sure that you eat carbohydrates and protein-rich foods throughout the day so you will burn fat. An example of an ideal carbohydrate to protein ratio is 4:1 - for every 4 grams of carbohydrates, you eat 1 gram of protein. Carbohydrates helps feed and fuel the muscles after a workout and protein as you know, helps muscles recover.

And last but not the least, make sure you drink carbohydrate-infused drinks after every hour of your workout sessions to refuel your tired muscles. Supplements will not be able to work their magic on muscles that are broken down due to lack of proper nutrition. Carbohydrates, combined with electrolytes and vitamins, offer aerobic endurance that helps you keep up with your intense workouts.

However, just because supplements can be used by almost anybody doesn't mean you should just go for any supplement. Always consult with your doctor first about what particular supplements are best for you and choose them based on the specific goal you want to achieve, whether that be to increase your strength and stamina or to help in muscle growth. Supplements have also been proven to have adverse effects so make sure you exercise extreme caution when choosing the best ones for you.
Supplements made just for you are what you will find when you visit Check out jacked supplement in NutritionWarehouse and get that lean, mean and ripped physique that will make you such a hit with the ladies.
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